
Monday, January 3, 2011

About Anyone know of a place in Plano Texas where you can go in and rent a Mac by the minute

Anyone know of a place in Plano Texas where you can go in and rent a Mac by the minute?
Kinkos used to offer Macs but with their merger with Fedex they nixed the Macs in all locations. I just need to do a little work on a Mac in the Plano, TX area and can't seem to find much Googling. Anyone know of a place?
Dallas - 4 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
I'll star your Q, one of my contacts lives in Plano, I live in Arlington
Answer 2 :
I'd say look in the phone book for internet cafes and such and just start calling. I'll star it too.
Answer 3 :
Any fedex kinkos will have both Macs and PCs
Answer 4 :
A computer is a computer. I don't know of anything you can do on a Mac that you can't do on a PC
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